Saxophone repairs near to Swiss border

Dieses Thema im Forum "Reparatur und Instandhaltung" wurde erstellt von megwenda, 28.Juni.2011.

  1. megwenda

    megwenda Schaut nur mal vorbei


    Can anyone recommend a good saxophone repair shop close to the Swiss border?

    My YTS-62 (old model circa 1992) has been lying in a cupboard for many years, and needs a good overhaul. The pads leak slightly, but otherwise it is in basic good repair. It was used very briefly by two students, neither of which did a lot of practising, so is almost unused and shows very little sign of ever being played .. but it is of course 19 years old)

    Also, anyone any rough idea of repair costs (ie, if a sax was completely stripped, cleaned, oiled, pads reseated, and then reassembled). I relalise that this will be a 'guesstimae', and the shop would have to see the sax before making a proper price.

    Many thanks
  2. tschudin_57

    tschudin_57 Schaut öfter mal vorbei

    Have a look at
    Very close to the Swiss border near Zurzach and a fine shop.

  3. megwenda

    megwenda Schaut nur mal vorbei


    Many thanks for the quick answer.. looks interesting, I will contact them tomorrow

  4. antonio

    antonio Gehört zum Inventar

  5. Brille

    Brille Strebt nach Höherem

  6. Jazzo

    Jazzo Schaut öfter mal vorbei

    Hi Megwenda,

    my favourite sax doc is in Radolfzell/Bodensee:

    I have very good experiences with him.



  7. megwenda

    megwenda Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Hi Antonio, Brille, Jazzo

    Many thanks for the tips. I will have a look at all their sites,and then choose one (probably the nearest, as it is hard to visit them all to check them out)

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