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Biete Yanagisawa AWO-1 with silver neck

Dieses Thema im Forum "Altsaxophone" wurde erstellt von Bubbly_Sax, 30.Mai.2024.

  1. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Ich kann Deutsch ganz gut verstehen aber sehr schlecht sprechen, also jetzt schreibe ich in English.

    I am thinking about selling my Yanagisawa AWO-1 saxophone, which is in great condition, has no dents, the lacquer is in perfect condition (which is unusual). The pads seal perfectly and are in ideal state, I carefully dry them with strips of filtration paper after each playing.

    The saxophone comes with an extra solid silver neck AW3, original case and complete accessories, the supplied Yanagisawa mouthpiece is nr. 7 instead of usual nr. 5.

    I am the second owner of the saxophone, first owner bought it in German shop Thomann. I am the first owner of the neck, I bought it in Japan.

    There are some hair scratches in the lacquer on the bell, a tiny repaired dent on the original brass neck and a little patch of peeled away lacquer on the silver neck.

    You can pick up the saxophone only in person in Prague. I am looking to sell the saxophone, not to become a saxophone testing facility... There is little point in testing the saxophone anyway, as it is sealing perfectly, and this saxophone is regarded to be one of the best saxophones available. I may only play the saxophone myself, which could induce some suffering in a real musician, because I am just an autodidact.

    I would like to get 3 thousands Euro for it. If you do not need the mouthpiece, I can sell it for 2900.
  2. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Hier sind die fotos, mit alle probleme, also polster fotos inkl. oberste und arschloch polster.

  3. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Warum sind fotos so klein, ich upladierte 3000 pixel grosse fotos!
  4. scenarnick

    scenarnick Administrator

    Alles gut - sie werden groß angezeigt, wenn man darauf klickt.
  5. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Diesen saxofon ist besser als neu.
  6. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Silber hals auch allein verkaufbar für 660 Euro.
  7. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Silber hals auch allein verkaufbar für 630 Euro.

    I wrote that the saxophone is besser als neu because it has no problems with lacquer or acid leaks. That is unfortunately not very common. My Yanagisawa tenor saxophone had soldering acid leaks and also lacquer problems, new lacquer problems still develop. This alto has no such problems.

    Also the perfectly sealing pads on this horn are not common on a completely new sax.

    This sax is also perfectly set up, it has no free play anywhere on the keywork.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.Juni.2024
  8. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    Noch für verkauf.

    Silber hals auch allein verkaufbar für 620 Euro. Keine weitere ermassingungen für hals möglich.

    Mundstück mit hals verkaufbar für 130 Euro mehr.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 9.Juli.2024
  9. Bubbly_Sax

    Bubbly_Sax Schaut nur mal vorbei

    I decided to keep the saxophone.

    In case if anybody is interested in buying the silver neck and mouthpiece, let me know. Keep in mind that I use and like the neck better than the original neck and I have no intention to sell it cheaply.
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